The tooth is a sensitive part of the human body. In fact, so sensitive it is that tooth discomfort in one or more teeth that is triggered by hot, cold, sweet, or sour foods and drinks, or even by breathing cold air is felt as pain in the whole jaw sometimes. The pain from the discomfort comes all of a sudden and is sharp, shooting deep into the nerve endings of the teeth.
Causes :
Tooth sensitivity is caused when the underlying layer of the teeth – the dentin – gets exposed as a result of receding gum tissue (the protective blanket that covers the tooth roots) or attrition of overlying enamel.
The Roots which are not covered by hard enamel (Contains thousands of tiny tubules leading to the tooth’s nerve center (the pulp)), allows for the stimuli, that is, the hot, cold, or sweet food, to reach the nerve in the tooth, resulting in severe pain.
- Too much of hard brushing of teeth.
- Recession of the gums.
- Gum disease (Gingivitis).
- Chipped or broken teeth.
- Deep cavity or Deep filling.
- Grinding or clenching.
- Age-factor; Tooth sensitivity is highest between the ages of 25 and 30.
- Acidic foods like citrus fruits, tomatoes, pickles, tea and coffee.
Siri Dental Hospitals specializes in treating tooth sensitivity and has a sound team of experts who are specialized in finding out the right causes of teeth sensitivity by thorough checking of your teeth & analysis of your eating and oral habits.
The experts not only study the problem in-depth but also make you aware of how you can prevent teeth sensitivity through simple changes in your oral habits and also the right treatment that is needed, for treating and eliminating tooth sensitivity.
Tooth Aligning (with Braces)
(Bruxism and Bruxomania)
(Bruxism and Bruxomania)