Termed as the last of the molar teeth, Wisdom Teeth is said to usually emerge or erupt between the ages of 17 and 24.
Some people are known to never develop wisdom teeth, while there are others who develop all four wisdom teeth – one in each corner of the mouth.
Functionally they don’t help in mastication(chewing) ,hence wisdom teeth are removed if they cause any kind of problems.
Wisdom teeth get impacted when there is not enough space for them to erupt. In such a case, they might erupt towards the cheek or it might impinge on the second molar, resulting in decay.
Cause pain, swelling, infection or damage to the teeth next to them
Make the Jaw feel stiff and sore if the whole of the gum around the wisdom tooth gets swollen
Cause bad breath and bad odour that can result from the infection at the back of the mouth
The most common problem is swelling of the gums around the wisdom tooth, either due to cheek bite or due to accumulation of food debris, resulting in red, sore, gum around the wisdom tooth
In all of the above cases, the surgical removal (extraction) of one or more wisdom teeth can relieve the problems.
However, people who have impacted wisdom teeth that do not cause problems need not have them removed.
Though Antibiotics can provide temporary relief, the symptoms tend to flare up again in the future. Since in most cases, most of the wisdom teeth get impacted (embedded fully or partially within the bone), they require surgical extraction. Such surgery can be done at Siri Dental Hospital by experienced oral surgeons in accordance with strict standards of hygiene and sterilization.
- Cause pain, swelling, infection or damage to the teeth next to them.
- Make the Jaw feel stiff and sore if the whole of the gum around the wisdom tooth gets swollen.
- Cause bad breath and bad odour that can result from the infection at the back of the mouth.
In all of the above cases, the surgical removal (extraction) of one or more wisdom teeth can relieve the problems. However, people who have impacted wisdom teeth that do not cause problems need not have them removed.
Though Antibiotics can provide temporary relief, the symptoms tend to flare up again in the future. Since in most cases, most of the wisdom teeth get impacted (embedded fully or partially within the bone), they require surgical extraction. Such surgery can be done at Siri Dental Hospital by experienced oral surgeons in accordance with strict standards of hygiene and sterilization.
(Bruxism and Bruxomania)
(Bruxism and Bruxomania)