Metal & Ceramic Braces For Teeth Alignment
We specialize in revolutionizing smiles through advanced Metal & Ceramic Braces. Are crooked teeth affecting your confidence? Are you tired of hiding your smile? Join the countless individuals who have transformed their lives with our state-of-the-art dental solutions.
These are the braces that people wear most commonly.
Basic and Self-Ligating (Advanced) systems are available in both metal and ceramic versions.
- These braces are made of stainless steel.
- They are the most ancient and oldest methods of setting teeth straight
- They are strong , reliable and sturdy
- Highly economical ( cheap and affordable)
- It is a good choice for school students and people who are not conscious about their looks
- They are clear braces made from a ceramic material.
- Virtually appear whitish or invisible on your teeth.
- Extremely strong and durable
- The self - ligating variety helps you achieve your treatment goal faster and more efficiently
- Good choice for adolescents, college goers , who are usually conscious about their looks.
- Aesthetic and affordable.
- They are made of pure monocrystalline sapphire and are translucent.
- Extremely strong, they do not stain and in case your teeth are already very white, then they look best on you.
- On other hand, if your teeth are less than white, they may tend to stand out and in such a case, the Ceramic brackets would be a better choice.
Note : Irrespective of the type of braces you choose treatment outcome remains the same.
Tooth Aligning (with Braces)
(Bruxism and Bruxomania)
(Bruxism and Bruxomania)