It’s recommended when the teeth decay is left untreated, and eventually destroys a significant portion of the tooth before reaching the ‘pulp’ of the tooth. Once it reaches the pulp (a soft tissue present in the tooth canal comprising of nerves and blood vessels), it leads to dental pain or sensitivity.
Root canal treatment is recommended when the decay reaches up to a pulp. The treatment involves removal of decay, cleaning, and shaping of the canals, and filling up of the canals. Subsequently, the procedure is followed by the filling of the tooth and in most cases a crown placement, that is safe for children and does not interfere with eruption of new teeth.
The treatment process is usually a painless procedure, extremely comfortable, and convenient. As a result of this treatment, one can save a decayed tooth and when a natural tooth is saved there will be no need for an artificial tooth.
The treatment process is usually a painless procedure, extremely comfortable, and convenient. As a result of this treatment, one can save a decayed tooth and when a natural tooth is saved there will be no need for an artificial tooth.
Is it necessary for a child to undergo this ?
If your child’s dentist has recommended root canal treatment, you might be asking why. After all, root canal treatment is a way of saving a tooth with bacterial infection or inflammation by removing the pulp in the center of the tooth. Since your child’s primary (baby) teeth will eventually come out on their own, you might wonder what the point is of trying to save one that is at risk of being lost prematurely.
Saving a baby tooth is just as important as saving a fully developed adult tooth. The untimely loss of baby teeth can interfere with chewing, speech development, and, most importantly, the alignment of newly developing permanent teeth. Here’s why: Each baby tooth holds the space open for the permanent tooth that will emerge behind it, and all teeth do not fall out at the same time. If there’s a gap that forms prematurely, the remaining teeth will shift position to fill it. And that can affect the ultimate alignment of permanent teeth.
Saving a baby tooth is just as important as saving a fully developed adult tooth. The untimely loss of baby teeth can interfere with chewing, speech development, and, most importantly, the alignment of newly developing permanent teeth. Here’s why: Each baby tooth holds the space open for the permanent tooth that will emerge behind it, and all teeth do not fall out at the same time. If there’s a gap that forms prematurely, the remaining teeth will shift position to fill it. And that can affect the ultimate alignment of permanent teeth.
Tooth Aligning (with Braces)
(Bruxism and Bruxomania)
(Bruxism and Bruxomania)